Tuesday, April 28, 2009

UGA Murderer

Late last week a professor at the University of Georgia shot and killed his ex wife along with two other victims. His loctation is unknown at this time, and his reasonings for the incident are also a mystery. His motives for killing this woman and two fellow gentleman are not known at this time but have been said to be for jealousy and anger, two things that are no motive for murder, as is nothing is motive enough to kill. This is crisis because it has affected not only a campus of students but also, the small community of Athens. There are prodromes for any murder, especially one involving an ex-lover because there is obviously some rage involved, but there is no way to control these prodrom, because it seems as though murder is so common in todays society unfortunately. This is a devastation for UGA and my thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of these innocent victims.

Bus Crash in California

Late Tuesday afternoon, a tour bus carrying mostly French citizens crashed in Soledad, California. There have been five deaths reported and numerous injuries. The bus was carrying toursists to the airport to catch a flight back to France. There were 36 people aboard, including the drivier a tour guide, and 34 French citizens. The cause of the crash has not yet been determined. This is an unfortunate inicdent. The reason i feel this could become a crisis is because its more than national, it is worldly, because those that died on US soil, were not Americans. When people from other countries are involved in an issue in America it becomes hard to get those of other nations to understand the incident as unintentional, epecially with how skeptical the world has become today. Now im not saying that France is skeptical of an intentional crash, but with causes unknown, there are always questions to be asked. The incident is tragic, but at the same time auto accidents are so frequent that there most likely was many prodromes to expect this, not neccessarily the bus crash, but the everyday tragic wrecks that we hear about so frequently.

Your Pizza is Delivered.. With extra Cheese

Dominos Pizza faced major speculations in the recent news when a YouTube video surfaced portraying multiple employees in gaging in the most unsanitary acts with pizza ingredients at local Dominos restaruant. With such a large corporation in such a negative spotlight, its no secret that people are going to be talking. The PR people of Dominos have discussed and examined the vidoe multiple times and are having diffeiculty understanding why there employees would do such a thing. They feel that they always hire those with potential and standard, and do not see what the urge for these employees was to do soemthing that would damage their repuatation so badly.
An absolutely disgusting event, this crisis has become the "talk of the town" within the PR world. Ironically, Dominos never brought in outside PR people to help with the issue. It seems strange that such a large corporation would not already have set up a PR crisis counsel to help with issues such as the present one, that may potentially occur. Others in the fast food business could learn alot from the mistakes Dominos made with this crisis. Any type of corporation should have a crisis team on stand by just in case the issue arises. The CEO of Dominos did an awful job with confronting the issue to the public. He message was extremely unheartfelt, and he hardly even looked into the camera when he was speaking. His attitude towards the issue did not help at all in bringing any sort of relief to the public about what had occured. Maybe if he had some sort of PR help like a large corporation should, his repuation would not still be in scrutiny.

Armed Robberies at Georgia Southern.

Its hard to say whether or not the recent armed robberies at Cambridge and University Pines can be considered a crisis. In reality, they are not but locally their existence is quite frightening and the frequent occurence of them can be considered a crisis to those exposed or those who feel they can be. I know personally I think it is a crisis because of the amount of danger that it brings to students who are supposed to feel safe in a small college community. There absolutely are prodromes to this crisis, because any college campus holds potential for issues with the amount of different people all exposed to one another living in the same sort of environment. Just because we all live so closely together does not mean that we have the same morals and standards for our life as do others, so when you bring these people into the mix, they can tend to develop bad situations, such as the robberies. The crisis is smoldering as well because there is always going to be potential for robberies in a college community, especially with the rift raft that lives on the other side of town and their targeting of these so called "rich kids".

Swine Flu: Epidemic or Faux?

Any epidemic can be considered a crisis. The last epidemic to hit the United States that I can remember was either the bird flu or mad cow disease. I was in high school when these deadly viruses hit the US. The reason these should be considered a crisis because its not a fact to as whether these viruses have a cure or not and to how or where it is that they are spreading. Its very easy to come in contact with this flu and its passing from one to another is still not known so people have every reason to be nervous and on their guard for safety from this epidemic. There were many prodromes to this flu, including the other pretty recent and similar viruses that I previously mentioned. Working at a pre-school is what mainly brought my attention to this issue in that I have become more aware of it due to my boss questioning us on whether or not we have left the country (Because apparently Mexico is where and how this virus was brought to America). With so many children in one place we need to be aware of its causes and its spreading to ensure that none of our students contract the virus and spread it to others. Just like any other epidemic this Swine Flu is a serious crisis and can be avoided with the awareness raised and precautions that people will take with their health and exposure.